如目法師,1980年生,童年在寺院長大,高中畢業後就讀佛光山叢林學院,1999年底披剃出家,2004年佛學院畢業,同年受具足戒,旋入佛教力行學院解脫道研修所就讀,追隨百丈山開山和尚慧門禪師,專修中國禪宗看話參禪法門, 曾隨禪師至美國、加拿大、新加坡、馬來西亞、澳洲、中國大陸等地帶領禪七。法師曾應邀至武漢大學哲學院、慈濟大學宗研所、紐西蘭、印尼以及台灣多所寺院道場演講,介紹禪宗參禪法門。2013年得慧門禪師傳付臨濟宗四十三世、曹洞宗四十九世法脈,並接任百丈山力行禪寺首座和尚,13-14兩年期間同時擔任佛教力行學院院長,2014-20年任台北普濟寺住持。16年起擔任馬來西亞佛陀教育基金會青少年潛能開發禪修營營長。
Venerable Rumu was born in 1980 and grew up in a temple since childhood. After high school, he studied at the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist College and ordained as a monk in 1999. He graduated from the Buddhist college in 2004 and received full bhikkhu ordination the same year.
Ven. Rumu then entered the Buddhist Vimutti-Magga Institute, specialising in the studies of Mahayan Chan Buddhism’s Kanhua Can Chan under the tutelage of Chan Master Hui Men of Viriyachan Monastery. He has followed Master Hui Men to lead meditation retreats in the United States, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, and China.
He has also been invited to give lectures on Kanhua Can Chan at various universities and temples, including Wuhan University’s School of Philosophy Studies, Tzu Chi University’s Institute of Religion and Humanities, and several other temples in New Zealand, Indonesia, and Taiwan.
In 2013, Ven. Rumu received the Dharma transmission from Master Hui Men, becoming the 43rd generation Dharma heir in the Linji lineage and the 49th generation Dharma heir of the Caodong school of Chan Buddhism and holds the appointment of the Head Instructor Monk of the Viriyachan Monastery.
Ven. Rumu served as the Dean of the Viriya Chan University from 2013 to 2014. From 2014 to 2020, he served as the abbot of Taipei Puji Temple. Since 2016, he has also served as the Director of the “Unveiling the Potential of Youth – Chan Meditation Camps” organised by Malaysia’s Buddha Sasana Foundation.